28 February 2008

So...here I am :-)

I finally decided to start a blog.
Why? I don't really know. I suppose everyone needs their version of a diary at some point in their life. I guess this will be my diary.

I'm normally a shy, quiet person, keeping my random thoughts to myself. Maybe this will help me to open up to more people--who knows??

I'm a stay home mom of 5--only one child is still at home. I enjoy making candles, tarts, and soaps and have been now off and on since I was a teenager. That's a looooong time! I've been selling online now for over two years. It's been a fun way to keep up with my hobby that I enjoy, but I decided several months ago that it is going to be my business. Darn it, I will make a good business out of something I enjoy! Heck, if Paula Deen can do it, so can I! She is sort of an inspiration for me, since she was just about my age when she started out, and look at her now. Just proves that you CAN achieve at any age and in any situation if you put your mind to it. Even a l'il southern gal.

So......here I am :-)

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